Software News and Updates |
CRYSPLOT is a publicly accessible web-based tool ( to visualize physico-chemical properties of periodic systems (i.e. crystals, surfaces and polymers) as computed with the CRYSTAL code. It has been designed as a very intuitive graphical tool, a low entry-level interface, to all types of users, from beginners to experts, and purposes, from education to research. |
SPECIAL OFFER for CRYSTAL09/06/03 USERS CRYSTAL09/06/03 Academic users that purchase the new release CRYSTAL17 within December 31, 2019 will be entitled to a 30% discount on the basic license. |
Remember! CRYSTAL14 academic users are entitled of 50% discount!
Crystal Solutions is a joint project between the Theroretical Chemistry Group of University of Turin and Aethia Srl for CRYSTAL distribution. |